
Spiritual Funerals

‘I learned that every mortal will taste death. But only some will taste life.’ Rumi

A Wiccan/Pagan Funeral in the Dreaming Wheel by The Last Hurrah

Shamanic Funerals :: Pagan Funeral Rites:: Wicca

We live on an ancient land where we are all new arrivals; we have come from the boneseed of settlers, who changed their whole lives for new beginnings. We walk on land that was never ceded by the First Peoples, and yet many of us were born here in this place, on this soil, among these vast landscapes.

Finding the heart of our spiritual longing, the threads of culture that unravel into far away countries and drift on waning links to old motherlands - it can be hard to know how to find our path, even when it calls us deeply.

Our co-founder Kimba walks a deeply spiritual path of heart, a student of the dreaming wheel (an Australian spiritual tradition with shamanic roots), and Zen Buddhism. She also has longstanding personal practices with roots in Wiccan, Ancestor veneration and other earth-based rituals.

shamanic funeral melbourne

Kimba can facilitate a ceremony that incorporates any traditions, symbols or rituals that are meaningful to you and your person, and can also assist any other practitioners you may wish to conduct a fitting ceremony for your late legend.

She can also work to support more traditional spiritual clergy to create in non-church settings, create a ceremony that includes elements from any faith, and of course offer funerals in any traditional place of worship.

Ancestral Altars are a beautiful and meaningful addition to any funeral.

Ancestral Altars are a beautiful and meaningful addition to any funeral.

shamanic funerals

Shamanic funerals

Using the medicine of the dreaming wheel or medicine wheel, ancestor veneration, the natural elements and more, Kimba can create ceremony that is intensely personal yet welcoming to those not accustomed to such rituals. This ceremony can also be secular, if that is more appropriate.

buddhist daoist funerals

Daoist/buddhist/zen funerals

Kimba can work with specific Buddhist sects and sangha to support any elements appropriate to your person, including multiple ceremonies, locations and days. She can also create a ceremony based on the dharma, in line with your own tradition and practice.

pagan wiccan funerals

PAgan & wiccan funerals

Kimba is able to assist any Priest/Priestess or other Elder to create and conduct ceremony in a way that fits your person’s belief systems. If there is no specific coven member to conduct a ceremony, Kimba is able to cast circle and create a fitting farewell in line with your person’s authentic self.

all faith funerals

All-Faith funerals

If you had a specific faith, but want to have a funeral outside the usual church or place of worship setting, Kimba can assist clergy to create ceremony anywhere at all. She can also create unique ceremony that encompass any specific cultural or religious elements in a way that is authentic to your person.